Yoga – The Blissful Essence of the World’s Religions


Yoga contains the fundamental Universal essence of the World’s religions.

Yoga speaks to all. Yoga presents itself in the most general terms, to be acceptable to human beings all over the world, no matter what the religious belief or what particular faith one belongs to.

Yoga does this by speaking to the innermost spiritual depth of each human, bypassing the rituals and ceremonials and the superstructure of any practical religion. Yoga has formulated and presented a method by which the spirit of the human individual can liberate it own self from its involvement in the material world of sense objects, money and ambition. Yoga can liberate the human’s entanglement of the mind and the interplay of the mind activities.

Within the practice of Yoga, the inner spirit can be restored back to its purest form, experiencing its higher Self in its positive, untouched state.

The basic thesis of Yoga is the innermost spiritual nature of each of us is the nature of Bliss, the nature of absolute and perfect joy. Once you are united into the pure experience of the pristine blissful nature, you remain in that state of Bliss.

All religions have as their ultimate aim, giving humanity this highest experience of perfect Bliss. This higher state of consciousness can be called beatitude, felicity. It can be called salvation, God experience. It can be called Heaven.

The aim of all religions is to show humanity the path beyond sorrow and pain and to show this population the experience of Bliss, to show them the way to supreme Blessedness and to the perfect experience of absolute Joy.

Religion is to re-align. Religions describe various ways to re-align to God in their many varied theological terms and scriptural languages. But there is an underlying essence to the aim of religion. Yoga has merely done this great service to mankind by systematically taking each person through a certain definite process of lessons and activities.

Whereas the World’s religions have tried to teach the lessons to Bliss in a generic way, Yoga specifically directs the teachings, not leaving a detail aside. Yoga teachings scientifically and systematically describe these processes of going beyond sorrow and entering into a state of absolute Bliss.

Yoga liberates our inner spiritual Consciousness from its bondage to the outer, material sense world and restores it to its pristine internal state. This true Self experience, Raja Yoga emphatically declares, based upon the personal experience of seers, those who have sat for centuries to download techniques to the path to Bliss. Yoga emphatically declares that each one of us, each Self is the nature of absolute Bliss. This is Yoga. This is the liberation each of us seek.