Hanuman – An Ideal Brahmacharin and Devotee


The world has not yet seen another mighty hero like Sri Hanuman. During his lifetime Hanuman worked wonders and exhibited superhuman feats of strength and valour. He has left behind him a name which, as long as the world lasts, will continue to wield a mighty influence over the minds of millions of people.

Hanuman was born of Anjana from Pavana, the wind-god. He was named Hanuman after the name of the city, Hanuman, over which his maternal uncle Parti Surya ruled.

Hanuman had the power to assume any form he liked – to swell his body to an enormous extent and to reduce it to the length of a thumbnail. His strength was superhuman. He was the terror of the Rakshasas or demons. He was well versed in the four Vedas and other sacred books. His valour, wisdom, knowledge of the scriptures and superhuman strength attracted everybody who came near him. He had an extraordinary skill in warfare.

Hanuman was the chosen messenger, warrior and servant of Sri Rama. He was a votary and devotee of Lord Rama. Hanuman lived to serve Rama. Hanuman lived for Rama. He was a minister and intimate friend of Sugriva.

Hanuman was born on the morning of the 8th of the lunar month, Chaitra, on the most blessed day, Tuesday. From his very birth, Hanuman exhibited extraordinary physical strength and worked many miracles. When he was a child, he jumped at the sun and caught hold of the sun to eat. All the gods were very much troubled. They came with folded hands to the child and humbly entreated him to release the sun. The child set the sun free at their request.

Hanuman was one of the seven Chiranjivis. He was the only learned scholar who knows the nine Vyakaranas or linguistic analysis. He learned the Sastras from the Sun God. He was the personification of Brahmacharya. He was the wisest of the wise, the strongest of the strong and the bravest of the brave. He was the Sakti or energy of Rudra.

Those who meditate on Hanuman and repeat his name attains power, strength, glory, prosperity, and success in life. Hanuman is worshipped in all parts of India, particularly in Maharashtra.

Hanuman’s body was as hard as stone, so, Anjana named him Vajranga. He is also known by the name Mahavir or mightiest hero because he exhibited several heroic feats. His other names are Balabhima and Maruti.

A Rishi pronounced a curse on Hanuman that he would remain unconscious of his great strength and prowess until he met Sri Rama and served Rama with devotion. Hanuman saw Sri Rama for the first time in Kishkinda. Sri Rama and Lakshmana came there during the course of their search for Sita whom Ravana had carried away. As soon as Hanuman beheld Sri Rama, he became quite conscious of his own strength and power.

In the great war between Rama and Ravana, Hanuman killed many heroes of the Rakshasa army. Hanuman burnt the whole of Lanka and brought news of Sita to Rama. He did many superhuman acts. Carrying a big mountain and other great activities were nothing for Hanuman. All those were due to the power of Brahmacharya.

When the great war was over, Vibhishana was installed on the throne of Lanka. The time of banishment was over. Sri Rama, Lakshmana, Sita and Hanuman sat on the Pushpaka Vimana or aeroplane and reached Ayodhya in time. The coronation ceremony of Lord Rama was celebrated with great eclat and pomp. Sita presented a necklace of pearls to Hanuman.

Glory to Hanuman, the blessed devotee of Lord Rama. Glory, glory to Sri Anjaneya, the mighty hero, undaunted warrior and learned Brahmachari, the like of whom the world has not yet seen and will not see in all time to come.

Quick facts about Hanuman:
1) Hanuman is the personification of dedication and devotion
2) Hanuman is the son of the wind god, Pavana
3) Hanuman’s other names are Vajranga, Mahavir, Balabhima and Maruti
4) Hanuman was cursed to forget his immense powers
5) Hanuman is devoted to Lord Rama