Clarity and Inspiration on Samadhi


1. Samadhi – When the limitations of the empirical existence are transcended, the universal life is presented to you and identified. You will have enrichment of the Self and a rich inner life. You will have an expanded cosmic life and supra cosmic life.

2. Intuition – Intuition is a spiritual Anubhava. Intuition is direct perception or the immediate knowing through Samadhi. There is another higher source of knowledge other than intellect. In intuition there is no reasoning process at all. It is Pratyaksha. Intuition transcends reason but does not contradict it. Intellect takes a man to the door of intuition and turns back. Intuition is Divya Drishti. It is Jnana Chakshu. Spiritual flashes and glimpses of the Truth come through intuition. Inspiration, revelation, spiritual insight come through intuition.

3. A sudden stroke of higher mystic illumination puts an end to all the empirical existence of the World.

4. Samadhi is of two kinds viz., Jada Samadhi and Chaitanya Samadhi. A Hatha Jada Yogi, through the practice of Khechari Mudra, can shut themselves in a box which is buried underneath the ground for months and years. There is no supersensual knowledge in this kind of Samadhi. In Chaitanya Samadhi, there is perfect awareness. The Yogi comes down with new, supersensuous wisdom.

5. A Hatha Yogi draws all their Prana from the different parts of their body and takes it to the Sahasrara Chakra at the top of the head. They then enter into Samadhi. Therefore it is very difficult to return them to objective consciousness by merely shaking their body.  You can return a Raja Yogi or a Bhakta or a Jnana Yogi to normal objective consciousness by mere shaking of the body or blowing a conch. Queen Chudalai brought down her husband Sikhidhvaja from Samadhi by shaking his body. Lord Hari brought Prahlada down from his Samadhi by blowing the conch.

6. A Bhakta gets Bhava Samadhi through Prema of the Lord. A Raja Yogi gets Asamprajnata Samadhi through Chitta Vritti Nirodha, by suppressing the mental modifications. A Vedantin gets Samadhi through Mithyatva Buddhi and concentration on the idea of Asti-Bhati-Priya – the Anvaya method.

7. When the Yogi has reached the last perfect stage of Meditation and Samadhi, the fire  burns all the residue of the yogi’s previous actions. At once, the yogi gets liberation in this very life and becomes a Jivanmukti.

8. During sleep you rest in Sat-Chit-Ananda Atman or pure consciousness and enjoy the spiritual bliss which is independent of objects. The difference between sleep and Samadhi is that, in sleep there is the veil of ignorance. When you come down from Samadhi you come with new spiritual knowledge.

9. If there is a mind, there is the world also. If you can produce Mano-nasa consciously through Sadhana by getting rid of this little ‘I’ and ‘mineness’. This world will disappear.

10. The Yogi ascends the various rungs of the Yogic ladder, stage by stage and acquires different experiences, knowledge and powers. He first gets Savitarka and Nirvitarka Samadhi. He then enters Savichara and Nirvichara Samadhi. Then he experiences Sananda and Sasmita Samadhi.

– Swami Sivananda