Never Give Up – Part 2


Do not think the spiritual path is an easy path.

Do not think just by being blessed by a peacock feather you will climb the spiritual ladder. It is a hard task. But through your effort you will succeed. I will be with you all. I will work as hard as I can. I will guide you in whichever way I can. The only thing I want from you is that you follow the teachings of the great master. He really cares. I lived with him and watched his suffering. He didn’t expect anything from anyone. All he did was give, give, give. ‘Serve. Love. Give.’ was his motto.

Follow this unselfish principle. Serve, love, give, purify, meditate. I can interpret his teachings a little through my own weaknesses. I can show you methods of controlling the mind through your own hard work. But I assure you if you follow these teachings of controlling your own mind then you will reach a state of peace, the power of which I cannot describe. I overcame so many problems in running this organisation because Master taught me one thing—to have a peaceful state of mind. It is something that no-one can take away.

“Don’t worry about what others do, whether others practice or not. Your progress depends only upon your own efforts. If you tell yourself that you will only stay at this ashram if everyone does their Sadhana, then you are being foolish—because nowhere will you find a perfect place. Everywhere there is duality. There is no perfection at all in this world. You have to do whatever you can for your own growth. Don’t worry about your neighbours, your friends, other swamis, even your teacher. It doesn’t matter what the teacher does. It is immaterial to you. When you eat you satisfy your hunger. No one else can eat for you. If you want to be healthy you have to eat healthily. If you think because everyone else is healthy I also will be healthy automatically—that’s not possible. In order to be healthy you have to live healthily yourself. Always remember this. Just mind your own business and carry on your own practice. Then only will your mind be peaceful when you meditate.

Om Namo Narayanaya. Salutations to All!

You have conquered the flesh with the spirit. Keep continuing to watch the flesh and the mind and keep the battle going until your last breath. Maya is waiting to pull you down. Through discrimination and dispassion cut the tree of samsara, the wheel of life and death, and root it out so that it will not grow again into a mighty tree. You have to root out this very ego. It can grow again until you root it out through surrender to God. May you all become jivanmuktas, liberated souls, in this very life. Show those who are struggling, ways to escape maya. You have earned tremendous merit. To do intense sadhana you must have taken countless births and practised yoga. Now you are called adhyatmic, spiritual, soldiers. Show the world how to fight the real inner war and reach the goal of life for which you all came. Carry Master’s message to every corner of the world. Master has given you the strength to fight and win the battle. May Gurudev shine in your hearts.

“I am very happy to be near the Mother Ganges, the vibration of her is far beyond description. Waves of energy are moving towards humanity to soothe with her cool nectar-like energy. I am praying for your spiritual growth. Do not neglect your sadhana. Time is short. You can all reach the very goal which all rishis, sages, attained, in this very birth. Stick to discipline. Repeat God’s name and do lots of pranayama to keep the mind peaceful.

If you neglect your Sadhana then the mind will be filled with weeds. Keep up your duties. Pray with all your hearts that maya will not overpower you. Only by God’s grace will you be able to overcome these forces. By the grace of God, Ganga Ma and Gurudev my health is all right and I am enjoying peace and solitude. I am regularly praying for your health and spiritual progress. Time is fleeting. Life is burning like an oil flame and many of my childhood friends are gone. So also this body is waiting to finish its karma. Do not waste time. Use every minute in japa, pranayama, and other spiritual activities. Maya is waiting to push you away from the spiritual path. Before you know it you are back in the old rut.

Only the grace of God and Guru will help you. Your own effort is successful only when God’s grace comes. So pray, pray and pray.