Tips for Your Concentration Practice

  • Concentration is purely a mental process. It needs an inward turning of the mind. It is not a muscular exercise. There should be no undue strain on the brain. There should be no struggle.
  • In the beginning of meditation practice the mind should start by concentrating on gross objects, hearing, tasting, smelling. Then let those drop. As the practice continues, you can successfully concentrate on subtle objects and abstract ideas.
  • Sit on any comfortable pose.
  • Place a picture of your Ishta Devata in front of you. Look at the picture with a steady gaze. Then close your eyes and visualize the picture in the centre of your heart or in the space between the eyebrows. When the picture of your Ishta Devata fades out in your mental vision, open the eyes and gaze at the picture again. Close your eyes after a few seconds and repeat the process.
  • It is easy to concentrate the mind on external objects. The mind has a natural tendency to go outwards. In the beginning stage of practice, you can concentrate on a black dot. on the wall, a candle flame, a bright star, the moon or any other object that is pleasing to the mind.
  • There is no concentration without something to rest the mind upon. Concentrate on anything that appeals to you as being good or anything which the mind likes best. It is very difficult to fix the mind in the beginning on any object which the mind dislikes.
  • Practice various sorts of concentration. This will train or discipline your mind wonderfully. Perhaps concentrate on the Himalayas, a very great object. Then concentrate on a mustard seed or a pin-point. Now concentrate on a distant object. Then concentrate on a near object. Now concentrate on a colour, sound, touch, smell, or taste. Then concentrate on the ‘tik-tik’ of a watch. Now concentrate on the virtue called ‘Mercy’. Then concentrate on the virtue ‘Patience’. Now concentrate on the Sloka, “Jyotishamai Tat Jyotih”. Then concentrate on “Satyam Jnanam Anantam”. Now concentrate on the image of Lord Siva. Then concentrate on the “Aham Brahmasmi” Mahavakya.
  • When you concentrate on any object, release tension anywhere in the body or mind. Think gently of the object in a continuous manner. Do not allow the mind to wander away. Inhale. Exhale then bring the mind back to the object.
  • Those who practice concentration evolve quickly. They can do any work with scientific accuracy and great efficiency. What others do in six hours can be done, by one who has concentration, within half an hour. What others read in six hours can be read, by one who does concentration, within half an hour.
  • Concentration purifies and calms the surging emotions, strengthens the current of thought, and clarifies ideas.
  • Concentration helps us in our material progress also. We will have a very good out-turn of work in the office or business. Those who practice concentration will possess very clear mental vision. What was cloudy and hazy before becomes clear and definite after concentration and meditation practice. What was difficult before becomes easy. And what was complex, bewildering and confusing before comes easily within the mental grasp. You can achieve anything through concentration. Nothing is impossible to someone who practices regular concentration.
  • Concentration helps the scientists and professors to do great research work. It develops will power and memory. It sharpens and brightens the intellect.
  • Concentration bestows serenity or calmness of mind, inner spiritual strength, patience, great capacity to turn out tremendous work, alacrity, acumen, agility, beautiful complexion, sweet voice, brilliant eyes, powerful voice and speech, power to influence others and attract people, cheerfulness, joy, bliss of soul, supreme peace.
  • Concentration removes restlessness, agitation of mind and laziness. It makes you fearless and unattached. It helps you to attain God Realization.
  • The more is the mind fixed on God the more strength you will acquire. More concentration equals more energy.
  • Concentration opens the inner chambers of love or the realm of eternity. Concentration is a source of spiritual strength.
  • Be slow and steady in concentration.
  • By practicing concentration, you will become superhuman.
  • On the other hand, those who practice concentration off and on, irregularly, will have a steady mind only occasionally. Sometimes the mind will begin to wander and will be quite unfit for application.
  • The goal of concentration is to have a mind that will obey you at all times sincerely and carry out all your commands in the best possible manner at any time.
  • Steady and systematic practice of Raja Yoga will make the mind very obedient and faithful. You will be successful in every attempt. You will never meet with failure.