How to get Sound Sleep?


Sleep means rest to all organs. Sleep is Nature’s restorative agent. It supplies abundant energy and rest to the tired brain and nerves and body. Sleep generates a fresh store of nerve force and recoups broken-down cells. Sleep itself is an energy-builder and strength producer.

Even when you are asleep, some eternal principle is ever awake. He is the silent witness of the three states, viz., waking, dream and deep sleep. He is the source, cause, substratum, and support for everything. He is the Lord of lords. He is the Soul of all. The mind rests in him during sleep and derives power, fresh energy and peace.

During work and even when the limbs are resting, the nerves have to work. They also need relaxation. Re-laxation is necessary for health. Sleep gives this relaxation. Perfect relaxation is obtained in sleep.

The new-born child sleeps and sleeps. For the first few days, the child keeps itself awake only 2 hours daily. At the age of five, the child sleeps for 8 to 10 hours. A grown-up man needs six hours of sleep. For a woman, seven hours’ sleep is quite sufficient. For a child in teens 7 to 8 hours’ sleep is enough. Dreaming or disturbed sleep does not give full relaxation. Sleep is diminished after forty years of age.

There have been several instances of famous men who kept fit and active with less sleep than that enjoyed by most people. Scaliger, the great French scholar and contemporary of Shakespeare, slept only for three hours. Wellington and Sir Henry Thompson the famous physicians who attained the age of 80, both considered that four hours’ sleep was sufficient. So did Edison who for 30 years limited his sleep to the same number of hours.

Sleep as a condition of necessary rest, cannot be governed by hard and fast rules. Much depends on a per-son’s physical and mental capacity for resisting fatigue. Everything depends upon the constitution and on the amount of work as well as the kind of work which he does during the day. Those who have reached years of discretion should decide for themselves the amount of sleep they require. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Stick to this wise maxim.

Sleep with your head towards East. Do not sleep with your head towards North. You can sleep with your head towards West or South. Do not cover your face. Sleeping in the daytime should be avoided especially after a meal, as it induces dyspepsia or indigestion and possibly disease of liver.

The habit of sleeping in the open is highly beneficial. Do not sleep on the backside. Sleep on the left side at night. The food will be digested easily as the Surya Nadi on the right side will be flowing.

You must know the science of relaxation. If you can relax all the muscles, brain and nerves, you will get sound sleep the moment you lie down on the bed. Even while at work, you can relax if you are conversant with this science. You can take a nap even while sitting in the chair when several people are talking and laughing, when there is beating of drums. Relaxation for a few minutes will serve as a great restorer. He who has perfect mental poise can relax and sleep at any time. He who can relax well can turn out much work. Change of work or pose is also rest or relaxation. Laziness is quite different from relaxation. Meditation gives perfect rest.

Empty your bladder and bowels before you go to bed. If you wish to get sound sleep, you must regulate the hour of your last meals of the day. If you wish to retire to bed at 10 p.m., finish your meals at 7 p.m. If you take your food within three hours before time of sleep, then half of the digestion will be over before you retire and you will be able to sleep peacefully.

Before going to bed review your actions of the day. Write down your spiritual diary. Make fresh resolves for the next day—such as, “I will. Control anger. I will observe Brahmacharya. I will not use vulgar or harsh words. I will control passion, etc.” Do Japa for half an hour. Study Gita or Ramayana or Bhagavata or any other religious book for some time. These good spiritual ideas will sink down deep into your subconscious mind. You will enjoy sound sleep. You will be free from bad dreams.

May you enjoy the bliss of that sleepless sleep or Nirvikalpa Samadhi by resting in Turiya or the fourth state through identification with the all-pervading, eternal Brahman or the Infinite and thus free yourself from ordinary sleep which is a Jada or an inert state born of Avidya or ignorance.