11 Points of Karma Yoga


1. Karma Yoga is selfless service unto humanity. The important point is to serve humanity without any attachment or egoism. The central teaching of the Gita is non-attachment to work. Lord Krishna says: “Work incessantly. Your duty is to work but not expect the fruits thereof.”

2. The mind is so framed that it cannot work without expectation of fruits or anticipation of rewards or even appreciation. You will have to train the mind to work disinterestedly. Do vigorous service for some time. You will grasp the spirit of Nishkamya service.

3. A Karma Yogi should be absolutely free from greed, lust, anger and egoism. Then only he can do real useful service. Even if there are traces of these Doshas, he should try to remove them one by one.

4. A Karma Yogi should have an amiable, loving, social nature; should have perfect adaptability, tolerance, sympathy, cosmic love and mercy. A Karma Yogi should be able to adjust themselves to the ways and habits of others. A Karma Yogi should have an all-embracing and all-inclusive heart and equal vision. A Karma Yogi should have a cool and balanced mind. A Karma Yogi should rejoice in the welfare of others. A Karma Yogi should have all the organs under perfect control and lead a very simple life. A Karma Yogi should bear insult, disrespect, dishonour, censure infamy, disgrace, harsh words, heat and cold and the pain of diseases. A Karma Yogi should have power of endurance and have absolute faith in themselves, in God, in scriptures and in the words of their Guru. Such a person becomes a good Karma Yogi and reaches the Goal quickly.

5. A Karma Yogi who serves the World really serves one’s self. The person who helps others really helps their self. This is an important point. When you serve another, when you serve your country, always think that the Lord has given you a rare opportunity to improve, correct and mould yourself by service. Be grateful to that person who has given you a chance to serve them.

6. Karma Yoga prepares the mind for the reception of Light or Knowledge. It expands the heart and breaks all barriers that stand in the way of unity or oneness. Karma Yoga is the effective Sadhana for Chitta Suddhi.

7. By doing selfless service you purify your heart. Egoism, hatred, jealousy, idea of superiority and all the kindred negative qualities will vanish. Humility, pure love, sympathy, tolerance, and mercy will be developed. Sense of separateness will be annihilated. Selfishness will be eradicated. You will get a broad and liberal outlook of life. You will begin to feel oneness and unity. Eventually you will attain knowledge of the Self. You will realize ‘One in All’ and ‘All in One.’ You will feel unbounded joy. World is nothing but manifestation of God. Service of humanity and country is service of God. Service is worship.

8. Generally people are impatient and they expect Siddhis after doing a little service. The real Karma Yogi who serves the people with humility and Atma Bhava (seeing God in every face) becomes a real ruler of the world. A Karma Yogi is honoured and respected by all. The more service you do with Atma Bhava, the more power, energy and capacity you will get. Practice this and feel.

9. When the thought of doing good to others becomes part and parcel of a human’s very being, then they will not entertain any least motive at all. The Karma Yogi takes immense delight in serving others, in doing good to others. There is peculiar joy and Ananda in the vigorous Nishkamya service. The Karma Yogi gets inner spiritual strength and power by performing motiveless and selfless actions.

10. Never grumble or murmur when you do service to others. Take delight in service. Be ever ready to serve others. Watch for opportunities to serve. Never miss a single opportunity. Create opportunities. Create field of good service.

11. In the practice of Nishkamya Karma Yoga, there is no loss of effort. There is no harm. There is no transgression also. Even a little of this practice can protect you from great fear of birth and death with its concomitant evils. You will reap the fruits of Karma Yoga, viz., Jnana. There is no uncertainty here. The path of Karma Yoga eventually leads to the attainment of Bliss of the Self.