Savasana Relaxation


“Sava” means ‘dead body.’ When one performs this Asana, it gives the appearance of a dead body. So it is named Savasana. This is a closing pose. You will have to do this after doing all the exercises.

The Technique

Spread a soft blanket and lie supine (on the back). Keep the hand on the ground by the sides. Let the legs be straight. Close your eyes. Now relax all the muscles of the body. Breathe slowly and rhythmically. Forget all your bubbling emotions and direct all your thoughts internally. Relax all muscles, nerves and organs. Start the relaxation process from the toes. Then proceed to the calf muscles, gastronemius, solens and plantaris muscles, muscles of the neck, face, etc. See that the abdominal organs, heart, chest, brain are also relaxed. Have an order. Do not sleep. In this pose you will enjoy perfect peace, ease, comfort and relaxation. You will have to experience beneficial results of this Asana. This must be done at the end of all the exercises. Then only the course will be complete.

The Benefits

The pleasant and exhilarating feeling can only be realised by those who can successfully do this Asana. Words cannot adequately describe the feelings. Every one of you should enjoy it. If you are tired from a hard work, perform this Asana for 5 minutes. You will be fit again to continue your hard work with the same vigour. This is a blessing for all hard workers.

If you like, you can practise the relaxation by lying in an easy chair after finishing your Asanas or exercises. Those who know relaxation can take a small nap for ten minutes at any time they like. Busy people, doctors and lawyers should know the science of relaxation. They can relax the mind also and take rest in the waiting rooms of railway stations and bar rooms as well. They will be quite fit for further activity in the courts or the dispensary. Relaxation refreshes a man completely.

Students, journalists, busy lawyers, doctors and businessmen should know the science of mental relaxation. They should practise it also daily. Those who do not possess a knowledge of this science of internal and external relaxation waste their physical and mental energy considerably. Those who practise relaxation can conserve their physical and mental energy and utilise it to their best advantage. Yogis know this science well. They are perfect masters of this useful science. Those who practise relaxation will never experience fatigue. They close their eyes for a few minutes even while standing and get themselves ready for further work. Energy flows in their nerves when they relax just as water flows when the tap is opened.

Relaxation is a very important factor in muscular exercises. In Hala, Sarvanga, Paschimottan, Dhanur and Ardha-Matsyendra Asanas all the muscles of the body are stretched and contracted to an enormous degree. During intense muscular activity, the metabolism is increased.

Metabolism is the anabolic and catabolic changes that take place in the body (wear and tear in the system). The muscles that are put under severe strain demand relaxation and rest.

It is Savasana that promptly and efficiently ensures complete relaxation and perfect ease.