…a disciplined diet eventually becomes a way of living.
As we practice different techniques to discipline our monkey mind, which helps us live a healthy, happy, and meaningful life, a disciplined approach in diet planning is very important too.
As per the saying ‘you are what you eat’, diet has a powerful yet complex effect on our health. What we eat not only affects our physical health, but also our mental and emotional well being.
Here are some guidelines for a disciplined approach in healthy eating:
Set a Goal – Diet is different for everyone, depending on their lifestyle, activity level, health condition (disease management), and stage of life. One needs to start by setting a goal such as growth, improving stamina, weight loss, muscle gain, general well-being, disease management, etc.
Choose Nutrients – For the proper functioning of all the systems in our body it is very important to eat a balanced diet consisting of nutrients from all the categories: cereals, pulses and legumes, dairy, fruits and vegetables, healthy fats or oils, nuts and seeds and, most importantly, drinking enough water to keep the body hydrated. Eating healthy food, which fulfills the daily nutrient requirements, helps avoid cravings and curb hunger. Wrong food choices cause deficiency of nutrients and don’t provide a feeling of fulfillment and satiety. This results in overeating. It is best to avoid stocking unhealthy foods at home like processed, packaged snacks, high sugar, low nutrients, refined flour-made products, and, instead, keep fresh, seasonal and whole foods at home, which are nutrient dense.
Control Portion Size – A healthy diet consists of the right amount of nutrients from different food groups in the right proportion as per individual needs. Overeating and undereating, irrespective of the food being rich in nutrients may cause toxicity and deficiency. Eating in moderation, filling the stomach to only 80% of its capacity is recommended for the proper absorption of food.
Eating at the Appropriate Times – The same foods have different effects if eaten at different times. Certain foods may be energy giving if eaten in the morning and fattening if eaten in the evening. It is advisable not to eat heavy meals in the evening, as our activity and metabolic rate slow down. Eating at the same time every day for most days (except on certain occasions) is recommended, helping to regulate metabolism. There should be enough gap between the two meals, giving time for the previous meal to empty from the stomach, keeping in mind that digestion takes more time for certain foods.
Mindful Eating – Eating mindfully, enjoying the taste in every bite and chewing the food properly helps in better digestion and absorption of nutrients also helps in portion control as one can notice signals of fulfillment avoid distractions like eating in front of television, laptop, chatting, scrolling mobile etc. Avoid talking while chewing food, as sometimes the food may go to windpipe and can cause serious health complications
Eat According to the Situations of Life – Food, and nutritional requirements differ depending on your life stage (for example, the growing period, pregnancy, old age), your body type, lifestyle, physical and mental activity levels, your profession, and whether you are managing a disease. There is not one rule for all. Avoid following diet trends or copying other people’s choices. Nutrients which may be suitable, or cure a problem for one person, may be harmful for another.
A Slow, Steady Progress – Make changes slowly, and progress gradually so that a disciplined diet eventually becomes a way of living.