Bhastrika: The Bellows Breath


Bhastrika is a powerful exercise and should be practiced judiciously under the guidance of an experienced teacher.

Bhastrika or bellows breath is said to resemble the action of a blacksmith’s bellows. In Sanskrit, bhastrika means bellows. A rapid succession of forcible expulsions of the breath is the characteristic feature of this pranayama; the entire respiratory system is put into full action. Bhastrika can be said to have a resemblance to the cleansing practice of kapalabhati in the pumping action of the breath. There is kumbhaka (retention) and all three bandhas or locks (jalandhara, moola, uddiyana) are applied.

Sit comfortably in any one of the meditative poses. Close the mouth. Inhale and exhale rapidly with emphasis on the exhalation, bringing the diaphragm and the entire respiratory muscles into quick action—making a noise that can be felt in the throat and the head.

Initially start with ten forcible expulsions of breath, following one another in rapid succession. Follow the tenth expulsion with the deepest possible inhalation. Hold the breath for as long as is comfortable. Then exhale through the right nostril. During retention, apply the three bandhas and focus on the muladhara chakra. This constitutes one round. Rest for a few moments after each round by taking a few normal breaths. You can gradually increase the number of expulsions from ten to a maximum of thirty in each round. Start with three rounds and increase up to eight rounds.

The exercise stimulates and tones both the cardiovascular and nervous systems, increasing body heat, resulting in profuse perspiration and elimination of impurities and toxins. The rapid and deep pumping action brings a fresh supply of blood to the brain, bringing clarity to the mind as well as heightened levels of concentration; digestive power is increased and metabolism boosted. The body and mind feel charged with new vitality and energy. On a psychic level the practice is said to purify the nadis and to break the three granthis or knots (Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra). It removes the obstruction at the mouth of the sushumna, arousing kundalini.