Truth – The First and the Last


Let Truth and Purity light up your career, guide your conduct, and mould your character.

If the mind is impure, Self realization cannot be attained even if you meditate for twenty hours daily. Even Yudhishthira had to see the hell as he once told a lie – a modified, twisted truth, in a dexterous manner.

In Truth, there is no deceit.

That which is simulated is untruth.

Truth can never contradict non-injury. When it does, it is no more a Truth, but the selfishness of the man which is on the fore. When speaking the Truth leads another to dishonour, injury and pain, it is no longer a virtue.

Speak what is true. Speak what is pleasant. Speak no disagreeable truth, speak no agreeable falsehood. Truth always exists in a pure unmixed state. Truth includes self-restraint, absence of jealousy, forgiveness, patience, endurance, kindness, love.

Peace is Truth. Truth is peace. If you want to attain peace, be truthful at all times. The mind is exalted by truthfulness. Intellect is refined by sublime divine ideas.

By the practice of speaking the Truth, the Antahkarana (intellect, mind, ego) is purified of its dirt. It shines like a clean mirror and reflects the divine form of the Lord with great effulgence.

All is well with those whose hearts are turned towards the True. No disease, physical or mental, can assault them.

The mover towards the Truth is mighty, lives long, knows everything and is ever delighted; for they are nearing the Almighty.

Should you ask me “What is the first thing in Realization?”, I should reply “The first, second, and third thing therein is truthfulness”.

The path of Truth is a precipitous one. It is slippery and as sharp as the razor’s edge. Hard it is to tread, difficult a path it is. Giants among spiritual men walk over it to the City of Perfection.

Keep company with evolved souls who tread the path of Truth. Always mark carefully what is going on in the inner mental factory. Give up all sorts of mean actions. Become a noble magnanimous soul. Nobility is good. Magnanimity is truth. If people mock you, keep quiet. Never retort. Excuse them. Give a Vedantic smile. Stand adamantine as that yonder rock.