
“AI Swami Sivananda” on Human Anxiety around Technology

How long might it be before we are no longer able to differentiate between authentic teachings and those generated by AI? The following text is...

Asanas For Proper Digestion And Elimination

One of the most prevalent problems that besets society today is one of poor digestion and elimination. With our washed-out, highly-refined laboratory foods, there...


Tapas is one of the Niyamas, or observances of Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga/Raja Yoga. Generally translated into English, Tapas is austerity. Tapas has various implied meanings: internal...

See God In All and Serve

Karma yoga is not simply action. It is removing the idea of agency, the thought, ‘I am the doer’. You are not the doer....

Thoughts On Hatha Yoga

In raja yoga, sadhana is mostly internal, the restraint of mental modifications. In mantra yoga, japa and worship are stressed. In laya yoga, the...

Understanding the Sivananda Yoga Asana Sequence

Have you wondered why the 12 basic asanas in the Sivananda sequence are practiced in the order they are? There is a lot of deep...

Swara Yoga

Swami Sivananda, in his book Swara Yoga, states that, Swara yoga is an ancient science that has analysed the working of the life-principle, prana,...

Prerequisites For Meditation

For meditation, you want a properly trained instrument. You must have a calm, clear, pure, subtle, sharp, steady and one-pointed Buddhi to understand the...

Pranayama During Meditation

If you do concentration during meditation, Pranayama comes by itself. The breath becomes slower and slower. For example, when reading a sensational storybook or when solving...