Kriya Yoga Sadhana
Practical investigation led the Sages to conclude that Prana and Mind are interdependent in their functional abilities. As long as one remains uncontrolled, the...
Asanas For Proper Digestion And Elimination
One of the most prevalent problems that besets society today is one of poor digestion and elimination. With our washed-out, highly-refined laboratory foods, there...
4 Paths of Yoga
A Jnani is the Greatest Bhakta
Bhagavan Sri Sankaracharya defines Bhakti as devotion unto Atman. You cannot entirely separate Bhakti from Jnana. When Bhakti matures, it becomes transmuted into Jnana....
Niyama and Santosha
Supreme happiness is obtained through contentment.
The observances of yoga are the practice of internal and external purity, contentment, mortification, study of scriptures, and worship...
Understanding the Sivananda Yoga Asana Sequence
Have you wondered why the 12 basic asanas in the Sivananda sequence are practiced in the order they are?
There is a lot of deep...
5 Points of Yoga
Introduction to The Science of Relaxation
Life has become very complex in these days. The struggle for existence is very acute and keen. There is very keen competition in every...
What is Hatha Yoga?
Hatha Yoga relates to the combination of pranayama (breath work), asanas (postures), bandhas (lock of vital energy) and mudras (sacred, symbolic gestures).
The word...
The Six Tastes of Ayurveda
“As is the food, so is the mind”, so goes a Hindi proverb. Our lives are shaped by our diet. In many of the...